bismillahirrahmnirrahim.. assalamualaikum wbt... alhamdulillah bersyukur ku kehadrat Illahi dengan limpah kurnia dan keizinanNya dapat aku bernadi dalam nafas yang dikurniakanNya. alhamdulillah ya rabb. selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan mulia Nabi Muhammad saw dan keluarga baginda..
alhamdulillah, pada malam ramadhan ini..aku masih berkesempatan membuka tirai ramadhan dengan menunaikan sunat tarawih bersama masyarakat desa, dengan iringan selawat pembukaan, tazkirah-tazkirah pendek disusulkan cukup menenangkan jiwa yang kian tandus dengan resepi-resepinya. =) alhamdullilah masih mempunyai kudrat ini untuk meneruskan ramadhanMu, dan ku berharap peluang ini dapat kutunaikan sebaiknya, akan ku rebut peluang yang ada ini untuk menjadi hamba yang beriman lagi bertakwa, bukan hamba yang berada didalam kerugian,, insyaAllah..
ramadhan medan tarbiyah diri, tazkiyatunnafs, didik jiwa dan rohani yang kian lama bermanja.. selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa jua ayuh sama-sama meningkatkan kualiti ibadah..segalanya bermula disini dan ia tidak akan berhenti sebelum kita dipanggil pergi oleh Illahi.. insyaAllah.. wallhua'lam. =)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Kelebihan Ramadhan
Bulan Ramadhan merupakan bulan yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan. Kedatangannya selepas dua bulan yang juga tidak kurang keistimewaannya iaitu Rejab dan Sya'ban. Bagi tujuan menyuburkan rasa tanggungjawab dan rasa ingin menambahkan ibadat kepada Allah sepanjang Ramadhan ini, di sini dibawa beberapa hadis yang menceritakan mengenai kelebihannya.
1. Abu Hurairah menyatakan : Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud : Apabila telah tibanya Ramadhan, dibuka pintu-pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka dan diikat segala syaitan. -Hadis dikeluarkan oleh imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad dan Baihaqi-
2. Daripada Abu Hurairah daripada Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang bermaksud :Sesiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan nescaya akan diampuninya segala dosanya yang telah lalu. - Diriwayat oleh imam Nasai'e, Ibn majah, Ibn Habban dan Baihaqi-
3. Abu Hurairah telah berkata : Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda tentang Ramadhan yang bermaksud : Sesiapa yang mendirikannya(Ramadhan) penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan diampunkan baginya apa dosanya yang telah lalu. - Hadis riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, Tarmizi, Abu Daud, Nasai'e,Malik,Ahmad dan Baihaqi-
4. Daripada Abu Hurairah telah berkata: Rasullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang bermaksud : Sembahyang yang difardhukan kepada sembahyang yang sebelumnya merupakan penebus apa antara keduanya, dan Jumaat kepada Jumaat yang sebelumnya merupakan penebus apa antara keduanya, dan bulan kepada bulan(iaitu Ramadhan) merupakan kaffarah apa antara keduanya melainkan tiga golongan : Syirik kepada Allah, meninggalkan sunnah dan perjanjian (dilanggar). Telah berkata Abu Hurairah : Maka aku tahu perkara itu akan berlaku, maka aku bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah! adapun syirik dengan Allah telah kami tahu, maka apakah perjanjian dan meninggalkan sunnah? Baginda S.A.W bersabda : Adapun perjanjian maka engkau membuat perjanjian dengan seorang lain dengan sumpah kemudian engkau melanggarinya maka engkau membunuhnya dengan pedang engkau, manakala meninggal sunnah maka keluar daripada jamaah(Islam).-Hadis riwayat Ahmad, Al-Hakim, dan Baihaqi-
5. Daripada Abi Soleh Az-zayyat bahawa dia telah mendengar Abu Hurairah berkata: Rassullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang bermaksud : Setiap amalan anak Adam baginya melainklan puasa maka ia untukKu dan Aku akan membalasnya. Dan puasa adalah perisai, maka apabila seseorang berada pada hari puasa maka dia dilarang menghampiri(bercumbu) pada hari itu dan tidak meninggikan suara.Sekiranya dia dihina atau diserang maka dia berkata : Sesungguhnya aku berpuasa demi Tuhan yang mana diri nabi Muhammad ditanganNya maka perubahan bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah pada hari qiamat daripada bau kasturi, dan bagi orang berpuasa dua kegembiraan yang mana dia bergembira dengan keduanya apabila berbuka dia bergembira dengan waktu berbukanya dan apabila bertemu Tuhannya dia gembira dengan puasanya. -Hadis riwayat imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Habban dan Baihaqi-
The pleasure of paradise 4
Social Relationships
As for the remorse felt due to a rift in personal relationships, people will never hear any evil or hurting comments or speech in Paradise. They will only hear good words and words of peace. God says:
“They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin. But only the saying of: Peace! Peace!” (Quran 56:25-26)
There will be no enmity between people nor ill-feelings:
“And We shall remove from their breasts any (mutual) hatred or sense of injury (which they had, if at all, in the life of this world)…” (Quran 7:43)
The Prophet said:
“There will be no hatred or resentment among them, their hearts will be as one, and they will glorify God, morning and evening.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
People will have the best of companions in the Hereafter, who were also the best people in the world:
“And whoever obeys God and the Messenger – those will be with the ones upon whom God has bestowed favor – of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions!” (Quran 4:69)
The hearts of the people of Paradise will be pure, their speech will be good, their deeds righteous. There will be no hurtful, upsetting, offensive or provocative talk there, for Paradise is free of all worthless words and deeds. If we were to discuss all the causes for anguish in this life, we would surely find its absence or opposite to be true in Paradise.
Disease and Death
Another cause of pain and suffering in this life is the death of a loved one or disease, which are both non-existent in Paradise. None will feel any sickness or pain in Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said about the people of Paradise:
“They will never fall ill, blow their noses or spit.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
None will die in Paradise. All shall live eternally enjoying the pleasures therein. The Prophet Muhammad said that a caller will call out in Paradise when people enter it:
“Indeed may you be healthy and never be sick again, may you live and never die again, may you be young and never grow feeble again, may you enjoy, and never feel sorrow and regret again.” (Saheeh Muslim)
The pleasure of paradise 2
When one thinks of success in this life, they usually conjure the image of big houses, fine jewelry and clothing, and expensive cars; financial stability is seen to be the key to a happy life. To most people, success is inseparably related to wealth, even though this is the furthest from the truth. How many times have we seen the wealthiest of people living such miserable lives, that it sometimes even leads them to commit suicide! Wealth is something which humans in their very nature desire at any cost, and this desire has been created for a great and wise purpose. When this desire is not satiated, it causes some extent of grief in a person. For this reason, God has promised the inhabitants of Paradise that they will have all that they imagined as far as wealth and belongings are concerned, both for those who were extremely poor, experiencing even hunger and thirst, to those well-to-do but who desired even more. God gives us a glimpse of this when he says:
“... there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in …” (Quran 43:71)
“Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past!” (Quran 69:24)
“… They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good [is] the recompense! How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!” (Quran 18:31)
The pleasure of paradise 1
Pure delight without pain and suffering
While people in this world experience some delight, they also face much toil and suffering. If one was to scrutinize the life which they live, they will find that the amount of hardship they face is much more than the ease and comfort. As for the life of the Hereafter, there will be no hardship nor suffering in it, and people will live therein in pure joy and delight. All the causes of sorrow, pain and suffering which people experience in this life will be absent in the Hereafter. Let’s take a look at some of these causes.
The pleasure of paradise
The reality of Paradise is something which people will never be able to understand until they actually enter it, but God has shown us glimpses of it in the Quran. He has described it as a place essentially different to the life of this world, both in the very nature and purpose of life, as well as the types of delights which people will enjoy therein. The Quran tells people about Paradise, which God offers to them, describes its great blessings, and proclaims its beauties to everyone. It informs people that Paradise is one of two ways of life prepared for them in the afterworld, and that every good thing will be theirs in Paradise to a degree that surpasses our present ability to imagine. It also shows that Paradise is a place where all blessings have been created perfectly and where people will be offered everything their souls and hearts will desire, and that people will be far removed from want and need, anxiety or sadness, sorrow and regret. Every kind of beauty and blessing exists in Paradise and will be revealed with a perfection never seen or known before. God has prepared such blessings there as a gift, and these will be offered only to people with whom He is pleased.But what is the nature of these delights in Paradise, and how will it be different from the delights of this world?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
don't quit : by Lt Dan Marcou
When things go wrong, and they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile,
you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but you must'nt quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When one might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You might succeed with another blow.
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When one might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You might succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup.
And he learned to late, when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the victor’s crown.
And he learned to late, when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the victor’s crown.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the cloud of doubt,
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit!I must stick to the fight when I’m hardest hit, The silver tint of the cloud of doubt,
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit,
Often the struggler has give
It’s when things seem worst that I mustn’t quit.en up,
حلاوة... من ولد صغير
يا رب نور دربي يا رب اسعد قلبي
يا مليكي يا رجائي يا دليلي وضيائي نور قلبي
بسالي حول قاءني بك حولي وعليك
في شهيقي وزقيري انا محتاج اليه
رب لا ارجو ملاذا امنا الا رحماك
ربي لا يسعد ردمي ابد الا رضاك
انت ألهمت فؤادي حب خير المرسلين
وبه أكرمت قومي وجميع العالمين
mampukah aku~~
Bila hati mula bersuara… jiwa gemersik melontar kata…
Aku ingin selalu bersamaMu..
Namun terkadang aku lalai dengan Mu..
Aku ingin sekali mendekati Mu,,
Namun terkadang aku leka dengan panggilanMu..
Bagaimana Engkau ingin mengingatiku selalu..
Andai aku sendiri tidak mengingatiMu selalu..
Aku ingin denganMu..
Sedang aku merasa tidak layak denganMu..
Benak fikiranku hanya adaMu..
Namun aku tidak sekuat itu..
Aku lemah tiada daya tanpa sokongan Mu..
Aku perlukan Mu… sedangkan Kau perhatikan ku selalu..
Aku yang hanyut tidak merasakan hadirMu…
Aku adalah hambaMu ..
Dan Engkau adalah Penciptaku,,
Berikan ku petunjukMu…
Zahirkan yang haq dan batil kepadaku..
Jelaskan mata hatiku…
Pelihara nawaitu ku,,,
Aku ingin kamu ya Rabb..
by : me
Thursday, July 7, 2011
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